UIDAI's RTI Merry-go-round

The man behind the UIDAI and UIDAI itself claims transparency as virtues to be instilled in others, while pretending they are most transparent. 

This is yet another of the systematic practice of deceit which, UIDAI has turned in a fine art of obfuscation. 

Here is the story of a typical RTI merry-go-round by UIDAI.

News is often planted or leaked that "Aadhaar Platform" is open for "Application Development". 

No one knows where the so-called "Aadhaar Platform" is and whether any train goes there! 

When queried under RTI what are the applications being developed, which are the agencies allowed to do so and a copy of any contracts with such organisations, UIDAI HQ in Delhi pleads ignorance. Yes, that's right. UIDAI HQ pretends that it has no info. It passess the buck to its "Authentication Division". 

We may safely say that UIDAI has "good Christian" best practices - the right hand does not know what the left hand does.

Attached here are the RTI application seeking above information and UIDAI's reply forwarding the same to one of its own divisions.