UID Documentary Evidence
- L 1 ID Solutions Contract Clause 15.1
- Headlines Today Sting Operation Video - Sham ID Enrolments
- RTI UIDAI Enrolling Illegal Immigrants is Genuine -Reply 24-04-2014
- RTI UIDAI Reply Enrolling Illegal Immigrants is Genuine -12-11-2014
- RTI Reply - No Fake or Ghost Ration Card Detected Using Aadhaar Biometrics in Karnataka
- RTI Reply UIDAI Appellate Authority - Cannot Verify Country of Origin of Contractors
- L1 ID Solutions Operating Company - US Address
- HANS-UID ERRORS - Mathematical Proof of Biometric Fallibility
- Bound To Fail - Hans Mathews - EPW Article
- Ian_Angell_Times_Online_PG1_ID_Cards_Ultimate_ID_Theft
- Extracts_Pg_2_US_National_Academies_Bio_Recog
- Extracts.Pg_1_US_National_Academies_Bio_Recognition
- Extract_SC_Orders_UID_'Aadhaar_Voluntary
- Extract_Pg171_Counter_Affidavit_80_million_Duplicates
- Extract_Economist_Article_Difference_Engine
- Extract_Contract_Clause_3.1_Anx_'B'_L1
- Directors_L1_ID_Solutions_Op_Co_Pvt_Ltd