Dead Man Speaks - Exposes Sham ID Aadhaar
Can't Identify without Sham ID Aadhaar Number, says UIDAI
“Not possible to use biometrics to identify bodies: UIDAI”
Says, the headline in ‘The Hindu’ datelined 12 Nov 2018.
Reporting a statement made in the Delhi High Court, the paper quoted UIDAI as telling the court that it is not possible to use biometrics to identify (dead) bodies.
UIDAI’s justification? ‘Matching done on 1:1 basis and Aadhaar number is needed’
So, all the b******t about unique identities lays exposed by a dead man talking through a PIL.
This is exactly what I have been requesting anyone who will listen to understand – “Biometrics cannot identify people across large populations.”
If biometrics cannot identify a person if it is not matched in the UIDAI database against the Sham ID number, then how can it be used to issue unique numbers or de-duplicate? In de-duplication, the Sham ID number is not issued. So, the biometrics of the person enrolling has to be checked against all people already enrolled in the database.
UIDAI now admits that it cannot identify without the Sham ID number because 1:1 matching, that is, a person’s biometrics has to be checked only against her / his biometrics already stored in the database.
Here’s the link to the article in ‘The Hindu’