How Different - Obama and Modi's Phones!
It's unbelieveable, but true.
How naive can a nation get.
Former Minister for External Affairs, Salman Khurshid, when asked about US Snooping, said, "They are only collecting meta data".
He certainly did not understand meta data and did not bother to think why USA would collect it. So much for the thinking capacity of our ministers.
And now, this one takes the cake. It is called "NaMo App's 'My Network'"
In my previous article here, I had mentioned about the purpose of the snooping that USA and the "Five Eyes" do. On page 149 of the paperback edition of Glen Greenwald's book, "No Place to Hide" he quotes an intelligence document which, says, "Shipments of computer netwrok devices (servers, routers etc.) being delivered to our targets through out the world are intercepted (emphasis in original). Next, they are redirected to a secret location (emphasis in original) where Tailored Access Operations / Access Operations (AO - S326) employees, with the support of Remote Operations Center (S321), enable the installation of beacon implants directly into our targets' electronic devices. These devices are then repackaged and placed back into transit to the original destination. All this happens with teh support of Intelligence Community partners and the technical wizards in TAO. Eventually, the implanted device connects back to the NSA infrastructure.
With "NaMo's App" US intelligence agencies have access not only what our PM is saying to people, but also what the people are telling him and worse - ALL government departments and minsitries would be falling over each other to post to the network.
Can it get any worse for us?
Here are links to news about the "NaMo App".
Narendra Modi's App Gives Orange Tick To Active Users
NaMo App's 'My Network' acts as PM Modi 's own private Twitter with gamification features | ETtech |