Please Join NO2UID Local Groups or start one!
There are local groups opposing database state manipulation and control of people. These groups are mainly in Bangalore, Delhi and Mumbai. You could join these groups, if you live in any of these cities.
You could contact local groups through any of the following social networking sites.
- 'Say No to UID' on Facebook
- 'ID – India’s Orwell' Google group
- 'Citizens Action Forum' Google group
- 'Anti-UID campaign' Yahoo group
- 'Aadhaar Articles' Blog
By joining them, you could contribute to the campaign against this vicious assault on our privacy and freedoms.
Please contact your nearest group. If such a group does not exist in your city or town, please start one!
If you need help please email to:This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.